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Custom work

What we offer

We are specialized in SharePoint Online / 2019 client-side applications.
Sometimes our out-of-the-box products will not fit the need of your task and only a feature implementation on existing products will not work in your case.
In this case, we offer to:

Rebuild old Apps

If there is an existing old application that needs to migrate to the new platform, let us know.
We will take care of and send you an offer after checking the requirements.

Creating custom web parts

If there is no out-of-the-box web part available we also offer to create a custom web part.
In any case, we would hold the source code and take care of updates.
Most often a service agreement should be taken.

Support as needed

Sometimes companies need more assistance and frequently change/implementations or assistance.
In this case, we offer to create a custom support agreement with the following anchors:

  • Reaction time
  • region to work on (creating solutions, help to create site pages with our web parts, creating custom scripts...)
  • Base price and hour price/max hours to consume
  • Payment method / interval

Get in contact with us